Data Policy
Web Browser Data / Cookies
Joining Enquiries / Waiting List
Youth Membership Records
Stored externally using Online Scout Manager (OSM)
What is stored:
Member details,
Attendance / participation details,
Parent / Carer details,
Emergency contact details,
Badges / progress towards awards
Payment status and a transaction reference for membership fees / events (with no bank / card details)
Who has access / where is it stored:
Group Section team members / team leaders of other Group Sections / the Group's Lead Volunteer
— for the provision of Scouting and running / recording activities.Group Trustees / Administrators
— for the purposes of recording membership / activity fees, keeping accurate and up-to-date recordsScouts HQ Safeguarding Team
— can be given access to member records / share information with local authorities in an emergency or where required to by law.
See for more information.
How long is it stored for:
For as long as your child is a member of the section
or for 2-3½ years in OSM after leaving.
Duration is based upon how many years a child can belong to that section
i.e. 2yrs for Beavers (ages 6 – 8), 3½ for Scouts (ages 10½ – 14), etc...This allows returning members data can be restored.
Please ask if you would like all personal information to be removed when you leave the group.
Stored as paper copies for meetings
Member names
Parent / emergency contact details
Adult Membership Records
Compass and
Compass and
[Externally managed]
Please see for more information
Youth Member Awards
Chief Scout Awards
What is stored?
Recipient names, awards & group name
Who has access / Where is it stored?
Shared with GLNE Scout County (for the purposes of organising awards evenings) - stored on their Microsoft 365 servers
Shared with East London District Scouts (for the purposes of awards evenings, promotion of local scouts and other recognition)
How long for?
Shared according to our partners' data policies.
Individual data will not be held for longer than 1 school-year.
Aggregate (anonymous) statistics may be held indefinitely.
Adult Member Awards
Moving between Sections
All member data provided by Parents /Carers will be transferred to the new Section when a child moves between Sections of the Group (e.g. Beavers → Cubs.) This is in order for your child to be able to continue with their Scouting.
Moving to Explorer Scouts
When moving to Explorers all member records will be transferred to the desired Explorer Scout Unit(s) in the same way as moving between group Sections.