Data Policy

Web Browser Data / Cookies

Joining Enquiries / Waiting List

Youth Membership Records

Stored externally using Online Scout Manager (OSM)

What is stored:

Who has access / where is it stored:

See for more information.

How long is it stored for:

Stored as paper copies for meetings

Adult Membership Records
Compass and

[Externally managed]
Please see for more information

Youth Member Awards

Chief Scout Awards

What is stored?

Who has access / Where is it stored?

How long for?

Adult Member Awards

Moving between Sections

All member data provided by Parents /Carers will be transferred to the new Section when a child moves between Sections of the Group (e.g. Beavers → Cubs.) This is in order for your child to be able to continue with their Scouting.

Moving to Explorer Scouts

When moving to Explorers all member records will be transferred to the desired Explorer Scout Unit(s) in the same way as moving between group Sections.

Moving away / joining a new Scout Group

Camps / Activity Permissions & Paperwork